14 August 2007

R.I.P. Tony H. Wilson

Sad news came last week that Manchester "Impresario" Tony H. Wilson died. He was a very important figure for Manchester, managing or being a guru to many of the city's most influential bands, Joy Division/New Order & The Happy Mondays to name but two (or three) seminal acts.

Because of this he played a huge role in establishing the 'Madchester' scene which played a part in my decision to move to Manchester to attend university there in the early nineties. I loved the place so much I stayed for 13 years! Living in London now I can appreciate more Wilson's civic pride in Manchester & I'm pleased to have memories of going to his club, The Haçienda, & of seeing him having a drink like everyone else in one of Manchester's many excellent pubs.

The Guardian have devoted a whole section to him, well worth a read.