An extensive & somewhat academic anaysis of class structures in Britain from the 18th Century up to the end of the 20th Century. There are apparently three different models: them & us; hierachical; & tripartite (upper, middle, lower). The author explores the evolution of each model & the wider consequences that had upon the society of each century.
It doesn't sound like the most entertaining read does it? & you'd be right! However the argument of how each class is assumed to have its own political party when in fact it doesn't was quite interesting & a novel one to me.
Finally I found it worth perservering with until the end because the author presented an interesting contemporary analysis of Britain's class structure in comparison to the United States. Included within this section were some noteable suggestions on how Britain can become more classless (as various politicians have promised to make Britain) for example by scrapping the ludicrous honours system.
I don't recommended it for a light read on Britain's class foibles though.