18 April 2009

Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit, by Mary & Tom Poppendieck

Lean Software DevelopmentCommonsense book describing the principles of agile software development & some ideas of how to implement it. Even though it's mostly theoretical the examples from other industries, as well as IT, stimulate thinking along practical lines. A very worthwhile read when contemplating adoption of Agile practices.

To See Every Bird On Earth, by Dan Koeppel

To See Every Bird On EarthFascinating account of a man's obsession with 'Big Listing' as many of the world's 10,000 bird species as possible. His son, the author, details how the obsession grew in relation to personal family occurrences like divorce & ill-health. Often I found that these intense personal recollections overshadowed further exploration of the commitment & dedication (not to mention the logistics) of the people, like the author's father, who strive to see thousands of species of birds. So, a book as much about a family as about ornithology & consequently slightly lacking in both.