30 September 2010

The Lost and Left Behind, by Terry Glavin

The Lost and Left BehindA very engaging and slightly different angle on the current environmental 'challenges' that the world, & humankind faces. It is the first book I've read that challenged my quixotic assumption that there will be one fine day, when humans & all other organisms will be able to coexist happily & that the gates to all the zoos will then be thrown open so that their inhibitants can run free to re-stock newly pristine wildernesses. This isn't going to happen. On the other hand the author does provide some (there aren't many out there) uplifting descriptions of how things might be different, & often of how things once were, however this is soon coloured with descriptions of mounting evidence that since the stone age humans have laid waste to any natural resources they've come across. Therefore the one clear thought I had on finishing this book is "this isn't going to end well", but if you can face up to that, it's a fantastic read with a wealth of cross-referenced material.

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