12 November 2011

Moving to the United States of America and Immigration, by Mark A. Cooper

Moving to the United States of America and Immigration Dreadful attempt to cover a useful topic, so bad it's almost unreadable. Just about every sentence has grammatical errors & every section has factual errors so that whatever is being discussed is drowned out by its awfulness. Obviously no editor ever read this before publication which leads me to think it must be self-published, & the author apparently never bothered to proof read his own book either! The less infantile sections of English on display read suspiciously like they have been cut & pasted in from various websites or copied verbatim from company advertising brochures. There are also huge gaps in what the book covers, for example no mention on the US's infamous & complicated healthcare system, nor a single line about the US's history or government structure & function, which is relevant because of the inclusion of a citizenship exam at the back. Other topics are covered in far too much detail, for example buying a house in the US, presumably because the author is a real estate broker!
But it's impossible to escape from the awfulness of the grammar, factual inaccuracies & lack of any quality control, for example the chapter on sport had baseball sections that were repeated 3 or 4 times, & the chapter on driving stated that the US drives on the left! By the end I couldn't trust a word of it & felt duped that I had bought the book in the first place. Now it's best use is probably as kindling because I'm even too embarrassed to donate it to a charity shop! If you're thinking of buying this travesty of a book please just look on the internet & use one of the numerous forums out there, or best of all use the US government's own guide, Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants. Finished 03/11/11

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